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witNESS Growth


NESS Cares is in the process of establishing its witNESS Growth program. Classrooms and therapeutic offices are specially designed for ease of learning and skills practice, but many children don’t have access to these spaces. This is particularly true for students who need to use services through the school districts, or children who need to travel to several different specialists.

NESS Cares will attend to this need by providing a space to accommodate Individual Education Plans (IEP) goals, in a mobile therapy classroom to meet students where they are.


This program's mission is to create a therapeutic space for children to receive therapy (ABA, Speech, OT) in one location. In addition, we aim to subsidize the cost of these therapies for families who struggle with their co-pays.

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Year 2022
NESS Cares' annual walk event will be completely virtual, which means we're counting on you to help us spread the word by using social media.


Step 1. You can walk alone or in a group in your local communities daily for the month of May.
Step 2. Share this mission with your family and friends and become an independent fundraiser for this mission.
Step 3. You can tag NESS Cares on all the social media platforms to share your story. 

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